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Your story deserves to be shared with the world. Writing a book is a testament to your dedication and creativity, and you deserve a publishing experience that matches your passion. Take the next step to bring your vision to life.


Submit Your Manuscript

  • Your first step to getting published.

  • Free no-risk writing review.

  • Response within two weeks.

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Our Team Is There Every Step Of The Way

  • Expert editorial services

  • Professional interior & cover design 

  • Global distribution

  • Dynamic promotion

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Explore Our Services

  • Select from 3 publishing packages. 

  • You keep 100% of your rights.

  • Your book, published and designed   professionally.

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Reap The Rewards of Global Distribution

Make your book internationally known with book retailers like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Walmart, Nook, and Apple books and Google Play store just to name a few!

Image by Krzysztof Hepner
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Know The Difference:  Vanity VS Hybrid Publishing

Lunar House Publishing is an independent hybrid publisher.  We spend a lot of time answering questions about how we’re different than a vanity press. At Lunar House, we believe it is critical to know how to spot those differences to make sure you avoid the vanity press scams and find a hybrid publishing house that is a good fit for you.​


What is a hybrid press?​

At first glance, it may be hard to distinguish a hybrid publishing house from a vanity press because authors pay money up front in both business models. However, unlike a vanity press, hybrid publishers have a staff of publishing professionals that improve the quality of your book in all respects.


Hybrid publishers provide:

· professional editorial services

· production services (including art and design)

· marketing services

· sales services


A good hybrid publisher, like Lunar House Publishing, will also be committed to getting the books into the hands of readers. That’s why some hybrid publishers even offer author branding services such as author websites. Authors get a lot for their money at hybrid publishing houses, which they wouldn’t get at a vanity press that would print their book, no questions asked, and with no quality control.


How do I know if hybrid publishing is right for me?

Self-publishing is not for everyone. If you’re a writer whose only interest is to write books, then you might want someone else to handle the editorial, design, and marketing work. At hybrid publishing houses, these professionals are used to working as a team on book launches. If you're willing to put money down for access to their expertise, hybrid publication might be perfect for you.


Hybrid publishing hits the sweet spot between the freedom of self-publishing and the structure of traditional publishing. In addition to maintain creative control over the process, you also keep a bigger share of royalties at a hybrid publishing house than a traditional publisher, making the money you pay up front an investment in a high-quality, professionally produced book.​



Do you think hybrid publishing might be right for you?

Click Here to send your manuscript to our team publishing professionals.

Our Vision

Vision Statement

At Lunar House, we envision a diverse and inclusive community where holistic wellness is accessible to all. Through our support and resources, we strive to inspire, uplift, and empower individuals to reach their fullest potential—mind, body, and spirit.

Our Mission

Mission Statement

Our mission at Lunar House is to promote wellness within communities and help authors share transformative stories with the world. Through our support, we aim to inspire, uplift, and empower individuals to reach their fullest potential. We are committed to making holistic resources accessible to everyone, guiding people on their journey to personal growth and well-being.

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